St James Hospital

West Park and Excelsior Avenue

Emmet and Caledonia Street

We like walking the neighborhoods near the St. James Hospital

There are literally thousands of  historic commercial and residential buildings in Uptown Butte and the surrounding area that were built during the boom town days of the 1890’s, many of them are official National Historic Landmarks.  The Butte Historic District, which now includes Walkerville and portions of nearby Anaconda, is the largest National Historic Landmark District in the United States, with over 6,000 historic buildings registered.

Join us as we walk east from the World Museum of Mining towards downtown Butte, Montana.  Allong the way we will see many examples of early 20th century architecture including Queen Anne (characteristic gables and turrets), Neoclassical (use of columns, pediments, and lintels), Renaissance Revival (roman arches and clay tiled roofs) and Craftsman Style (low-pitched roofs and porches with thick, square columns).

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