Sand Springs, Montana

Highway 200 Rest Stop

Welcome to the Sand Springs, Montana Picture Tour

It’s a 76 mile ride from Winnett, Montana to Jordan, Montana.  There are three stops on Highway 200 that make the ride more interesting.  Riding east on Highway 200 from Winnett,  you will see the old rock sign (see picture below) on the north side of the highway for Cat Creek, Montana. We included a tour of the community in case you are pressed for time or the gravel road is impassable.  Cat Creek is the location of Montana’s first commercial Oil Boom that began in the early 1920’s.

If you didn’t stop at Cat Creek, Montana then be sure to stop at the modern rest area (above) located west of the tiny community of Mosby, Montana.  The rest area is a pleasant place to listen to the Meadowlark while catching up on the history and geology of the surrounding area.

The third and final stop along Highway 200 is Sand Springs, Montana.  Don’t let the rugged terrain intimidate you.  With a little time and patience you will discover beautiful landscapes and lots of wildlife.  In fact, the US Fish & Wildlife Service webpage  says: “sixty species of mammals and more than 235 species of birds have been observed on the nearby War Horse Refuge.” Like most areas in Montana, the Sand Springs area look best if you travel at speeds of four-miles-an-hour or less.

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