Fort Peck Dam

Administration Building

Fort Peck

Fort Peck

Fort Peck Multi-Species Fish Hatchery

Park Grove Train Cars

Welcome to the Fort Peck, Montana Picture Tour 

This week we explore the towns of Fort Peck, Park Grove & Nashua, Montana.  You are looking at the two vertical surge towers.  They act as small reservoirs to smooth out the flow of water to keep sudden surges in flow from damaging the turbines.  The surge tower on the left went into operation in 1943. The surge tower on the right was completed in 1961.

Sadly, the construction of the dam, tragedy struck.   On September 22, 1938 eight workers died while investigating earth movement in the newly created dam embankment. A memorial to “The Slide” victims can be found above the vertical surge towers. For a great source of Fort Peck, Montana Dam historical information and photos visit FortPeckDam.Com

As you ride west from the Fort Peck Dam be sure to explore the Fort Peck Dam Interpretive Center and Museum. Admission is free and is worth the stop.  The Fort Peck area is home to some spectacular fossil fields. Wait until you see the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the main lobby of the Interpretive Center.

During construction of the Fort Peck Dam, the Fort Peck Theater (below) featured plays and movies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can still catch a play in the massive 1,600 seat theater during the Summer months. Visit FortPeckTheatre.Org for more information on what’s showing.

After all the sight seeing take some time to park the rig in the shade and walk around Mall Park in Fort Peck, Montana. You will see pre-war architecture that harks back to a simpler time.  On the hill sits the beautiful and historic Fort Peck Peck Hotel.  The hotel feels like the lodges in Glacier National Park and Essex, Montana.  The hotel offers a wonderful atmosphere reminiscent of the turn of the century.  With old time porches offering incredible views, claw-foot bathtubs, best food in the area and a very knowledgeable and friendly staff.

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