The Old Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Depot near Gibson Park

The Gibson Park Band Shell

South End Gibson Park Pond

The Gibson Park Pond

River Drive North

Welcome to the Gibson Park of Great Falls Montana Picture Tour

It’s really a thrill to show you “Paris Gibson Park” in Great Falls, Montana.   It seems like when they built the towns in Montana they must have said; “We don’t need a park!”  There’s plenty of places to stretch out your legs.”  As a result it’s pretty rare to find a beautiful sprawling park in the center of a Montana town.  You can find the wonderful “Riverside Park” in Miles City but that was originally a ferry landing.  Missoula’s paths along the Clark Fork river came about only after the railroad tracks were removed in the mid-1980’s.  Great Falls is truly unique.  Paris Gibson and the city founders set aside land for a huge park when the town was platted in 1889.

On this tour, we will explore Gibson Park then walk along River Drive then up and down Fourth and Fifth Avenue to see the beautiful historic homes surrounded by a background of blazing Autumn yellow and gold trees.

To cross over the Missouri river to Gibson Park from the west bank we’ll use a former Milwaukee Railroad bridge built in 1913 that has been converted into a spectacular pedestrian bridge.  After you cross the Missouri river take a minute to look at the old Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Depot.

If you walk south, away from Gibson Park you will see you the former Great Northern train depot.  The building is now used as office space for Energy West, Inc.     Energy West, Inc. began serving customers as the Great Falls Gas Company in 1909 when gas lights served by the utility company were installed in the original town site of Great Falls.

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East of Gibson Park

First Avenue North next to Gibson Park

Cascade County Courthouse near Gibson Park

Great Falls Post Office

The Civic Center near Gibson Park

Below are views you will see as you walk East, South and North of Gibson Park.  It doesn’t matter which direction you walk, the views, historic buildings and people are fantastic.