Murray Block

First Avenue East

Central Avenue Boulevard

Welcome to the Hobson, Montana Picture Tour

We’ll admit it, this is a unashamed plug for Gramma Ruby’s Cafe in Hobson, Montana.  You get a great meal and lots of local history.  While you are in the cafe, check out the map by Walt Waite on the wall detailing Charlie Russell’s time in the Utica, Montana/Judith River area in 1882.  (We included a picture of the map in the gallery down below.)

During breakfast you can pick from a long list of nearby sights to see, depending on the year.  Any time of the year you can go to Ackley Lake State Park.  May through October, check out the artwork by Cory Holmes on State Road 239.   In September, get a smile or two looking at the fifty novelty hay bales built especially for the “What The Hay” Contest.  During the Summer months of June through September, be sure to hike in the  Judith River Wildlife Management Area.

Don’t forget, the Summer months are a great time to step back in time by visiting the Stage Stop at Philbrook, Montana.  Or, continue southwest on State Road 239 to historic Utica, Montana.

So many Montana place to See

If the list of activities seems daunting, you could always just have another cup of coffee and visit.  If you get a chance ask the owner of Gramma Ruby’s Cafe  how they got their start in Hobson, Montana.  They will tell you a true story that is sure to  inspire the “pioneer spirit” in you.

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