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Swift Reservoir Picture Tour – MontanaPictures.Net

March picture of the Swift Dam Recreation Area Sign west of Dupuyer, Montana. Image is from the Dupuyer, Montana Picture Tour.

Swift Dam Recreation Area

Welcome to the Swift Reservoir Picture Tour – MontanaPictures.Net

The first time visitor to the Rocky Mountain Front who wants to see the Milky Way at night and the magnificent Mountain light shows will feel very comfortable sleeping in a tent at Willow Creek Reservoir, Bynum Reservoir or even the campgrounds in Choteau, Montana.   The surrounding landscape is wide open and you can see trouble long before it walks into camp.  Plus you can usually bet you will have neighbors camping nearby.  For elk and campers, there is safety in numbers.

If you are with a group of people of four or more you should feel comfortable camped in the Swift Dam Recreation Grounds pictured below.  We have hiked the Birch Creek Loop  (see panorama below) and had a wonderful time in the back country. We have done hikes through Danaher Meadows,  Goose Prairie and Glacier Park without incident. In the wilderness areas, you can be reasonably sure there is nothing laying around to attract animals to your tent. Most of our bear encounters in Washington, Idaho and Montana occurred in public campgrounds that had garbage left by previous campers.

There is nothing worse than pitching your tent on the Pacific Crest Trail in the dark and next morning finding cheese puffs and marshmallows sprinkled all over your campsite. Another public camp in Montana had a gut pile near the creek below our tent. Still another camp in Montana had a fire ring polluted with spaghetti that made for an interesting night.

Embrace the Rocky Mountain Front and surrounding area but don’t assume maintenance is done on a daily basis and help is always available.

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